Babies are everywhere!! A month ago I had 5 friends pregnant at
the same time. (1) Casey Cravins, who I've been friends with since middle
school and she is now my neighbor, (2) Ashley Rutledge, who I played
basketball with in college and we lived in the same suite and house together
shes the vowel in MAKM (therefore she can't ever be kicked out...not that we
would do that to her anyways :) ) (3) Chelsie Sells, who I've also been friends
with since middle school (4) Kristin Blankenship, who I played AAU with and
played against her in college ball and (5) Julie Smithheisler, who I also played
college basketball with and lived in the same suite as her my freshman year.
Anyways...I know only have one friend left who is pregnant and thats Chelsie.
Chelsie isn't due until December so we have a few more months to wait. Two
of those 5 were born on the same day, last Friday, August 19th. I got to visit
them both and here are the pictures.
Cooper Myles Cravins weighing in at 5 lbs 15 oz. Looks just
like his daddy in my opinion. He is the sweetest little thing.
Gracie Adalee Rutledge weighing in at 9 lbs 2 oz. I'm not
really sure who she looks like just yet...maybe Adam, but
I haven't made my mind up for sure. Either way, she's
So very happy for everyone. Do I have baby fever? Um......
maybe.... :)